About us

We are very pleased to say, that due to the hard work and consistently high standards of all our staff, we have been now awarded a 5 star rating by the food standards agency for the highest level of food hygiene. A big thank you to everyone for their continued efforts. Ben
All of our eggs are English farm sourced free range.
When we butter your toast or sandwiches we use real butter.
We also use semi-skimmed milk instead of full fat, most people can't tell the difference in one of our creamy cappuccinos.
We don't charge any extra for soya milk or decaf tea/coffee.
On the subject of coffee, our beans are sourced from a British supplier which means that they are roasted here and not in another country weeks before you get to taste them, so you have a fresher coffee with a smaller carbon foot print.
Our coffee syrups are suitable for vegetarians
We make almost everything fresh on site, that includes items like our burgers, pasta dishes, bread rolls, soups and all of our sauces, even the salad dressing.
We use low cholesterol cooking oil for frying which we then send for recycling into bio-diesel to power our car.
All other oil used in our cooking is virgin olive oil.
All of our meat is sourced from our local butcher.
The only items actually fried in our full English breakfast is the hash brown and fried egg!
Our take-away cups and lids are made from vegetables and wood, no plastic.
We recycle all our paper, cardboard, cans, glass and plastic.
The tips that you give are shared out fairly between all our staff, the owners take nothing.